How to start a business in IT from scratch? Part 2
Carefully choose your partners
Unfortunately, when we are young, we think we can do everything ourselves. Many of us will spend most of our lives on this misconception. Your task is to understand as quickly as possible that you cannot know and be able to do everything. If you want to create a large, successful company, this is possible only in partnership with other people who have the knowledge that you do not have.
Next, we will focus on the roles that unite human qualities. They can be combined in one person, or they can be distributed over a team of 5-6 people. While working together, people can exchange these qualities.
Here are the roles we identified:
1. The administrator is a person of clarity and order. Everything is always written down, everything is on the calendar, everything has a plan.
2. An expert is a “genius man” in his field. Knows how to solve any problem in a product, is well versed in technology.
3. The entrepreneur is a person of charisma and resourcefulness. Knows how to win over other people and is not afraid to take risks. For any problem, he sees the only victory.
Define and spell out areas of responsibility
In the beginning, when the team is full of enthusiasm, everyone is engaged in the product and no one is responsible for anything in particular.
Unfortunately, responsibility, dedication, and initiative are lost in any stressful situation.
Therefore, such a company will most likely not survive the first release, a serious conversation with investors or customers.
To avoid this, it is enough to get together and talk about who is responsible for what. Ask these security questions:
Who makes the decisions? (person in charge)
What decisions does he make? (area of responsibility)
How does he make decisions: for example, collectively or independently? (powers).
One thing is important – that you be sure to speak the answers to these questions. No matter how scary and uncomfortable it may seem to you.
A few more tips:
Two or more people cannot be responsible for one task or area. This is possible only if these two people are experts in their field and at the same time, absolute trust has been established between them.
For the task to be completed, name the person who has to do it. What is obvious to you may not be clear or obvious to others. To avoid conflicts, be clear about what the person should do. And you will get a clear answer whether he will do it or not, and you will be able to plan the process.
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